由于外界磁场扰动会降低无自旋交换弛豫(SERF)原子磁强计的磁场测量灵敏度,本文根据SERF原子磁强计的测量原理,提出了一种基于原位磁测补偿外部磁场扰动的方法。该方法通过调制解调的方法对3个方向的磁场进行解耦,实现3个方向磁场信息的独立测量。然后,将3个方向磁场的测量信息作为反馈,调节电流源输出给线圈的电流,使线圈产生一个与外界扰动磁场大小相同方向相反的补偿磁场。最后,在现有的SERF原子磁强计实验平台上搭建了主动磁补偿系统,实现了对外部扰动磁场的补偿。与手动补偿方式相比,本文提出的主动磁补偿方法可将剩余磁场的平均值从0.317 8nT降低到0.040 4nT,同时将剩余磁场的均方差由0.348 1nT降低到0.024 7nT。得到的实验结果验证了本文所述方法的有效性。
As the measuring sensitivity of a Spin-Exchange-Relaxation-Free(SERF)atomic magnetometer will be reduced when it is suffered from the disturbance by environment magnetic field.Therefore,according to the measuring principle of the SERF atomic magnetometer,this paper proposes a active magnetic compensation method for the external magnetic field disturbance based on in-situ magnetic measurement.Firstly,a modem was used to decouple the magnetic field in three directions to achieve the magnetic information of the three axes.Then,the measuring information from three directions was taken as a feedback to adjust the current of coil to generate a magnetic field which is opposite and equal to the disturbance.Finally,an active magnetic compensation system for SERF atomic magnetometer was built to compensate the magnetic disturbance in real time.Compared with the manual compensation method,the proposed method reduces the surplus magnetic field from0.317 8nT to 0.040 4nT,and the mean square error from 0.348 1nT to 0.024 7nT.The experimental results validate the efficiency of the active magnetic compensation method.