Ninety-five endophytie fungal strains were isolated from the healthy roots, branches and leaves of mangrove plant Ceriops tagal. Ninety-Four of them were classified into Fungi Imperfecti based on their morphological and micro scopic features, twenty-eight sporulated strains were identified to thirteen genera. The rest sixty-six non-sporiferous strains were tentatively classified into Mycelia Sterilia. Still one belonged to Basidiomycetes. The result indicated the endophytie fungi of mangrove plant Ceriops tagal showed certain tissue specificity to the host. There were comparatively large differences in quantity, population and composition of fungi isolated from leaves as compared with those from roots and branches. This research enriched the fungal resources, and provided basic theoretical foundation to develop and utilize the endophytic fungi resources in officinal of the genus of Ceriops.