本文基于NET4.0,采用C#语言和ADO.NET数据访问技术,结合SQL Server数据库,开发建立了数字化木材标本管理系统,实现了木材标本的数字化管理和快捷检索.本系统具有运行速度高、信息处理能力强、人机界面直观、功能齐全、通用性强、硬件环境要求低等特点,为促进木材科学与数字化技术水平的提高提供了技术支持.
This paper using C # language, ADO. NET and SQL Server database, developed the design and re- alization of the digital wood specimen information management system, realized digital management and fast re- trieval of wood specimen which is based on NET 4.0. The characteristics of system has high speed, strong pro- cessing ability', interface, full functions, versatility and low hardware requirements, to promote the level of dig- itization wood science and digital technology providing for technical support.