Based on the fact that mining-induced damage to building is attributed to various nonlinear and multi-collinear factors, using statistics in engineering practice, a multi-variable discriminant analysis model based on different criteria was proposed to effectively identify the influences of mining underground on buildings. Comprehensively considering the geological mining and building factors, ten large factors effecting buildings damage of brick and concrete structure by mining were selected as the proposed model input variables. The damage level of the brick and concrete structure buildings was taken into account for the proposed model output value. 32 typical cases of buildings and structures damaged by mining were used for training data. Based on different criteria, Mahalanobis distance discriminant analysis (MDA) and Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FDA), MDA model and FDA model of buildings damage by mining were established, and 6 group cases were sentenced to distinguish samples for simulation test of these proposed models. The results show that the accuracies of the MDA and FDA method of learning samples are 87.5% and 93.8%, respectively, and accuracies of the test samples are 83.3% and 100%, respectively. The multivariate discriminant analysis model is featured with robust and reliable discriminant performance, and FDA exceeds MDA with higher accuracy and stronger applicability, which effectively verifies and supplements the existing methods for evaluating building damage induced by underground mining.