The unreliability of RFID raw data is an important issue of RFID event handling and traditional RFID data cleaning methods mainly focus on basic underlying data, by filling the missed reading data. However, these traditional methods may cause a lot of invalid data redundancy by filling a large amount of meaningless data. In this paper we identify the influence of RFID raw data on high-level composite RFID event synthesis. We consider the restrictions of the semantic information of high-level composite events over RFID raw data. And according to the characteristics of this relationship, we present a method focusing on missed reading problems by taking account of the semantic information of the high level application:the method first forms a logic regional event model according to the semantic of practical applications with time constraints. Then with the model we identify the most likely composite event to occur within the time constraints to avoid composite event missing. In this paper we describe the processing strategy and give the algorithm descriptions. Experiments showed that our method was effective in reducing the rate of the data redundancy when handling the unreliability problem, simultaneously improved the accuracy of the composite event synthesis algorithm and reduced the processing delay time.