Double femtosecond pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of nickel was investi- gated by using two 30 fs laser radiation, both at 800 nm, in the collinear configuration under ambient conditions. In comparison with the single-pulse (SP) LIBS, the signal enhancement of a nearly 10 fold was achieved with double-pulse (DP) radiations at the optimum inter-pulses delay. The influence of the interpulse delay on the LIBS signal intensity within 0~l300 ps was investigated and three temporal intervals of interaction were observed. From 0 to 50 ps, the intensity of the emission lines increases steadily and a maximum is reached at approximately 50 ps; from 50 to 300 ps, the signal enhancement factor decreases firstly and then increases; from 300 to 1300 ps, the signal enhancement factor remains constant.