This paper considers the M/G/1 repairable queueing system with a replaceable repair facility in which the "repair facility subject to breakdowns" is firstly introduced. Assume that the lifetime of the service station follows an exponential distribution and the repair time of the failed service station follows an any distribution. Furthermore, the repair facility may fails in the process of repairing the failed service station, in which the lifetime of the repair facility also follows an exponential distribution and the replaceable time of the failed repair facility has a general distribution. By using the total probability decomposition technique and employing the Laplace transform and Laplace-Stieltjes transform, the queueing indices of the system and the reliability indices of the service station are discussed. Meanwhile, the emphasis is upon obtained some reliability indices of the repair facility, such as the transient-state and steady-state unavailability, the expected replacement number during (0, t] and the steady-state failure frequency.