Reasonable compensation standard of avian influenza has a great significance for controlling the spread of the epidemic timely and promoting the healthy and continuous development of the poultry industry. Based on the survey data of Zhongwei area in Ningxia Province as an example and applying the contingent valuation method, this paper calculated farmers' acceptable level under epidemic reporting and production recovery and estimated the lowest compensation standard that can encourage farmers to report epidemic and recover production. Results show that: 1) small farms and large-scale farms are willing to accept the compensation intensity of [42.03%, 54.51%] and [47.83%, 64.27%], respectively, as the incentive of epidemic reporting, and [53.39%, 56.62%] and [62.60%, 66.74%], respectively, as the incentive of production recovery; 2) acceptable interval of compensation standard for small farms and large scale farms are [21.67 yuan per chicken, 22.12 yuan per chicken] and [30.33 yuan per chicken, 31.14 yuan per chicken] respectively; and 3) under epidemic reporting and production recovery, compensation standards of small farms and large scale farms with different ages of chicken vary, with the compensation standard of 5 month old chicken for both small farms and large scale farms being the highest.