在城市小区和广阔的农村建立低成本的无线网状网,为无线终端用户提供高速的接入服务,是一项极具现实意义的工作.设计了一种适合于此类网络的MAC层协议称为Mesh-MAC,该协议建立在已有的IEEE 802.11硬件产品基础上,每两个节点之间的通信是由一对方向天线完成,通过一种全新的时间同步方案,可以实现M ESH网内高效的数据转发.仿真结果表明,与IEEE 802.11及2P协议相比,Mesh-MAC协议在吞吐量和端到端传输延时等方面,都有明显的改善.
It's of imminent importance to build wireless mesh networks as access networks for wireless users in city districts and countryside. This paper describes in detail a new MAC protocol ,called Mesh-MAC ,that is suited for such networks in terms of efficiency. The protocol is implemented on top of low-cost 802.11 hardware. By a novel network time synchronization mechanism,we realize packet-forwarding in the network based on per link forwarding that is formed by directional antennas. The simulation results indicate that Mesh-MAC protocol achieves much improvement in performance such as throughput and end-toend delay etc. compared with 802.11 and 2P protocols.