The ecological benefits of Wuzhong District in Suzhou City arising from their economic and social development has a huge role in promoting research on the ecological value of the assessment. It will provide the theoretical basis for environmental decision- making and management, while promoting environmental economic assessments into the national economic system. For index system of ecological value in Wuzhong District, its elements can be corresponded with its quantified assessment factor, Wuzhong District ecolog- ical value assessment system was constructed by the market value method and quantitative research methods such as shadow project, it explains the ecology system to improve soil, water conservation, climate regulation, clean air and other material goods output value of ecosystem services values and ecosystems. The resuhs show that the ecological value of Wuzhong District has enormous ecological and economic benefits, and the total ecological value of 51.49 billion Yuan in 2012, fully reflects the tremendous ecological value of Wuzhong District ecosystem to the whole society.