Using CHAOS-5 model of geomagnetic field , this paper has calculated and analyzed the geomag-netic secular variation in China since 1997.The temporal and spatial characteristics of the change of the geomag-netic field are discussed by the annual change rate and its contour map, the change of the special isochronous linewith time and the long-term acceleration distribution, etc.The annual variation ratio curve of 12 stations in Chinahas been calculated and the time variation of different stations has been analyzed.The result shows that the secularvariation of geomagnetic non-dipole field in the mainland of China has a long-term slow change from 1997 to2015. Secular variation at different stations are different, and the long-term changes of different factors at the samestation are not synchronous. Secular acceleration distribution is not uniform, the amount of change is small, but canclearly show the increase or decrease of the area.