锰超氧化物歧化酶(Mn-SOD)是一种重要的抗氧化剂,果糖1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶(FBA)是叶绿体光合碳化阶段起重要调节作用的关键酶。本研究以小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)生理型与遗传型等基因雄性不育系及其对应育性正常的保持系为材料,选取花粉小孢子发育各时期的花药及三核期子房,对供试材料花药全蛋白表达差异研究的基础上,对雄性不育相关基因(Mn-SOD)及FBA进行核酸水平的实时荧光定量PCR分析,结果发现,与可育保持系相比,(1)生理型雄性不育系Mn-SOD基因在幼穗期、单核期和三核期表达量显著下调,而酶活力在幼穗期上调,在单核期下调;遗传型雄性不育系Mn-SOD基因在幼穗期和单核期表达量下调,酶活力在幼穗期上调,在二核期下调。(2)生理型雄性不育系和遗传型雄性不育系FBA基因表达量在幼穗期和单核期均下调,而对应同时期的FBA酶活力也下调,而遗传型不育系FBA基因在三核期表达量和FBA酶活力均上调。(3)Mn-SOD和FBA在遗传型雄性不育系三核期子房和花药中表达量均高于生理型雄性不育系和正常可育系,而在生理型雄性不育系花药中,Mn-SOD表达量明显低于对照可育系,在子房中其表达量略高于正常可育系。基因表达具有组织特异性,其蛋白表达较基因表达具有一定滞后性。Mn-SOD基因过量表达(单核至二核期),从而清除花药代谢紊乱产生的过多的活性氧,维持细胞正常功能;而花粉败育(生理型和遗传型雄性不育)导致花药失去活力,从而使花药叶绿体光合能力下降,FBA下调表达。研究结果提示,不同发育时期FBA及Mn-SOD酶活力变化与基因表达水平相一致,且这两个指标的变化直接或间接的影响了小麦花药的育性程度。
Manganese superoxide dismutase(Mn-SOD) is an important anti-oxidant enzyme, which bind manganese functions primarily to protect mitochondrial components from superoxide liberated as a normal byproduct of respiration. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase(ALD/FBA) plays a critical role in the photosynthesis in plants. The physiological male sterility, induced by chemical hybridize agent, was different with genetic male sterility which caused by it's own genetic background of sterile cytoplasm. The wheat anthers and ovaries of genetic male sterility, normal fertility and physiological male sterility which induced by chemical hybridize agent SQ-1 were collected as materials for RNA extraction.Based on the differential expressed proteins identified by 2-DE technology, the Mn-SOD and FBA protein were significant and were analyzed by Real-time quantitive PCR. Compared to the normal fertility, the Mn-SOD was distinct down-regulated at young spike stage, uninucleate and trinucleate stages in physiological male sterility , while it's enzyme activity was especially higher than that of control at young spike stage and significantly decreased at binucleate stage. For the genetic male sterility, Mn-SOD was down-regulated at young spike and uninucleate stages, and the enzyme activity was increased at young spike stage but declined at binucleate stage. The FBA was up-regulated in both genetic and physiological male sterility lines at the young spike and uninucleate stages compared with the control, accordingly, it's enzyme activity was also fluctuated with the gene expression. Both the two genes were up-regulated in the ovary and anther of two male sterility lines at the trinucleate stage, and highest expressed in the genetic male sterility, but the expression of Mn-SOD in anther of physiological male sterility was lower than that of control. Mn-SOD and FBA genes were tissue-specific expressed in anther and ovary, and the protein abundance was hysteretic to gene expression. The Mn-SOD was over expressed during uninuc