Comparing to common offshore drilling and onshore drilling, the deep water formation has lower overburden pressure, narrower safety window of mud density and greater risk of having down-hole accident. It is im- perative to study the under gauge deformation behavior of horizontal wells, which can avoid or reduce down-hole ac- cident caused by shrinkage of borehole in unconsolidated sandstone formation. LW3--1 gas field is the first deep water oil and gas field to be developed in China. The creep deformation law of unconsolidated sandstone reservoir in LW3--1 gas field was tested. The Lagrange Element Method will be used to do the calculation, from which the un- der gauge deformation with time of a horizontal well in deep water formation will be concluded, and the impact of deep water to deformation of a horizontal well is analyzed. The results show that, under the same condition, com- pared with common offshore drilling and onshore drilling, the risk of horizontal well drilling insecurity in deep water oil and gas field caused by unconsolidated sandstone creeping is lower. Derived from the study, will be a guide for studying and predicting safe drilling cycle of horizontal wells drilled in deep water oil and gas field and the horizon- tal length limit.