For the sake of reducing the negative effect brought by rumor propagation in the absence of official rumor refutation information,a rumor propagation model was built and mean-field equations were established after considering rumor refutation of public and feedback mechanism. The equations were analyzed and then solved with the four-order Runge-Kutta method. The threshold for rumor propagation was determined. Parameters in the system were used to represent influencing factors including public's critical consciousness,public's rumor refutation ability,strength of rumor refutation information feedback mechanism and importance of identifying rumors. Rumor propagation results were interpreted by rumor propagation fierceness and negative influence scope. Influence of changing one influencing factor on rumor propagation results was analyzed. Results show that improving public's critical consciousness and rumor refutation ability,facilitating rumor refutation information feedback mechanism,and priority management of rumors based on importance of rumor identification are effective rumor management measures.