Cancer associated malnutrition(CAM) is the common cause of death in patients with cancer. Pathogenesis of CAM in traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) is deficiency of spleen qi or even asthenia of both the spleen and the kidney in the advanced stages. Tumor could induce a micro-environment that characterized by chronic inl ammation and immunosuppression. Tumor cells release cytokines and reactive oxygen species(ROS) into the micro-environment, resulting in the autophagy of skeletal muscles, adipocytes and interstitial cells. Cancer cells use glutamate, ketone and lactate released by the autophagy to fuel oxidative mitochondrial metabolism in mitochondrion of tumor cells. The reprogramming of metabolism between tumor and some normal tissues, such as skeletal muscles, directed by tumor is the internal essence of deficiency of spleen. The consumption of muscles and adipose tissues is the external manifestation. The metabolic coupling through autophagy is pivotal for the formation of cachexia characterized by deficiency of spleen qi or even asthenia of both the spleen and the kidney in the advanced stages. It is a novel idea on the theory of spleen governing muscles and limbs, as well as a new connotation on the therapy of invigorating the spleen.