利用2006年4月和2008年10月分别呆自南海北部湾和渤海长岛海域的119尾细条天竺鱼(Apogonichthys lineatus)和57尾黑鳃天竺(Apogonichthys arafurae)标本,以耳石长、耳石宽、周长、面积、矩形趋近率、充实度为基本形态学参数,结合傅立叶变换获得的形态特征变量,研究了两种天竺鱼耳石形态的差异。结果显示,两种天竺鱼耳石在整体轮廓、听沟形状、边缘形态等方面较为接近,细条天竺鱼耳石整体形态较为卵圆,后部较宽;黑鳃天竺鱼耳石整体略细长,后部较窄。利用耳石形态学特征变量对两种天竺鱼的判别分析成功率分别高达82.5%和88.2%,显示耳石形态学分析是天竺鱼鱼种识别的有力手段。
Differences in otolith shape were studied for two fishes: Apogonichthys lineatus and A. arafurae. 119 A. lineatus and 57 A. arafurae specimens were collected from Beibu Gulf and Bohai Sea between 2006 and 2008. The otolith length, width, perimeter, area, rectangularity, and circularity were measured and analyzed using Fourier descriptors. The results indicate that the otolith of the two species are similar in overall outline, sulcus acusticus shape, and the edge pattern The otolith A. lineatus is egg-shaped with a wider posterior part, and that ofA. arafurae is slender with a narrow posterior part.