Three time-series stations were assigned to the survey of the diurnal variations of phytoplankton biomass and community by the means of photosynthetic pigments at two stations in the northeastern South China Sea, summer 2008 and one station in the East China Sea in summer 2009, respectively. Remarkable diurnal variations of Chl a biomass (fluctuation between 34 % N 81 %), with the maximum in the nighttime and minimum under daylight was the generality at the three stations under the effects of the tidal mixing and light. Diatoms were more preponderantat Sta. S702 (〉 80G) than Sta.S305 and DH04 (3bY./ONaOYO) ,at wnmn me tormer was mnuenceu uy me cuabtal upwelling. The biomass of diatoms varied with total hi a biomass synchronously, but the percentage of diatoms changed inversely. It implied the diversity of phytoplankton composition were also improved during the nighttime under the effect of tidal mixing. Prasinophytes was the second dominate group at Sta. S305, and also exhibited the same diurnal variation as total Chl a biomass. And the similar response of Synechococcus at Sta. DH04, the stratifi cation status at the East China Sea, dominated at the upper mixed layer, also had the diurnal variation pattern with the total Chl a. But the dinoflagellates had a outburst at 03 - 30 as no indication of any diurnal 1variation. So the dis tribution might be the results of lateral transport of other water mass.