Image super-resolution refers to the reconstruction process of a high resolution image from one or a set of low resolution images. The theory of compressed sensing plays an important role in super-res- olution reconstruction in recent years. However, existing super-resolution models based on compressed sensing tend to have an initial estimation for the high resolution image, while the quality of the estima- tion will directly affect the quality and efficiency of the reconstruction. In this paper,the image nonlocal similarity is introduced as a regularization term into the neighbor embedding method, which improves the quality of the initial estimation. We incorporate the image multi-scale similarity and the local similarity into the reconstruction model and propose an image super-resolution method based on neighbor embed- ding and structure self-similarity. The expression ability of prior information is enhanced because of com- bining the advantages of the two aspects. The experiment uses the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and the structural similarity index measurement (SSIM) to compare the reconstructed image with the o- riginal image. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms some state-of-the-art super-resolution methods in both subjective and objective evaluation criteria, which is able to enhance high frequency information in details and has a gain of 0. 47-1.84 dB in PSNR on average.