下一代网络(NGN)不同功能实体由于业务请求形成依赖关系,根据这种依赖关系和NGN相对扁平体系结构的特点,该文给出“相邻资源”的概念,查找过载点的相邻资源,在相邻资源实施分布式过载控制。分析可以看出,该算法能有效解决SIP协议的分发功能和实施负载平衡带来的过载控制问题,同时尽可能早地拒绝业务请求,提高网络的有效利用率,较好地满足ETSI TISPAN对NGN过载控制定义的需求。
The dependence is formed between different function entities due to service request. The concept named "adjacent resources" is proposed according to the dependence and the NGN's flatter architecture than the traditional telecommunication network. A distributed algorithm for overload control is presented, which is based on the proposed concept. It throttles the request at the logical adjacent resources. The algorithm can effectively handle with the overload control issuing from SIP fork or load balance scenarios. The mechanism can improve the network effective throughput by throttling the service request as soon as possible, which satisfies with the overload control requirements presented in the ETSI TISPAN draft.