基于中国人民大学数据与调查中心的家庭微观调查数据,本文选取基尼系数和阿克金森指数两个指标,考察了我国城镇居民住房财富分配的不平等状况,并就基尼系数的测算结果对各类不平等进行了贡献率分解.结果表明,我国城镇居民住房财富分配的不平等程度不但非常高,而且还有进一步提高的趋势 从对基尼系数贡献率的分解结果看,地区间和东部地区内部不平等对城镇居民住房财富分配不平等的贡献率最大,家庭在户籍状况、收入水平、以及受教育状况等方面的差异都是导致我国城镇居民住房财富不平等的重要原因.
Based on the micro data on family from National Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China, this article selected Gini coefficient and Atkinson index, to investigate the situation of distribution of housing wealth inequality in. China's urban households, and decomposition on contribution rate from the result of estimate Gini Coefficient into different kind of inequalities. The results show the results that we estimated are reliable. Overall, the level of distribution of housing wealth inequality in China's urban households is not only very high, but also getting even worse. From the result of decomposition of Gini coefficientg contribution rate, the largest contribution rate of inequality in eastern area and the between different regions, the differences on the status of household register, income level, and the situation of education are most important causes of t distribution of housing wealth inequality in China~ urban households.