十八反、十九畏作为传统的配伍禁忌,历代医家多崇信之,但古今均不乏反药同用的临床案例。因此,反药配伍是否确属绝对配伍禁忌,自古以来一直是众多学者及临床医生关注的热点问题。《国家基本药物目录》是实施基本药物制度的配套措施之一,是临床合理用药的依据,对引导药品的生产、使用,合理利用我国医药卫生资源具有重要意义。《国家基本药物中成药制剂品种目录》(2004年版)共收载中成药品种1 260个,其中含反药配伍的成方制剂共16个,包括含十八反药对的成方8个,含十九畏药对的成方11个,既含十八反又含十九畏药对的品种3个。文章对以上成方制剂从反药的出现次数及成方制剂的功能主治、剂型用法、处方药味数方面进行归纳分析,为探讨反药配伍的临床使用规律,指导临床合理安全使用十八反、十九畏提供思路。
Eighteen incompatible herbs and Nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism,the incompatibility between the traditional Chinese medicineTCM has had the history of thousands of years so far.Whether Eighteen incompatible herbs and Nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism are incompatibility or not has become one of the hot spot of academia right now.The Chinese National Essential Drug list,the supporting measures to implement system of essential drugs provides basis for the rational use of drugs.According to statistics,there are 1 260 kinds of patent Chinese medicine products(CPMs) in the Chinese National Essential Drug list(2004)-Chinese patent medicine,in which 8 CPMs contain Eighteen incompatible herbs,11CPMs contain Nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism,3 CPMs contain both Eighteen incompatible herbs and Nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism.This paper analyze CPMs containing Eighteen incompatible herbs and Nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism to offer some elicitation for promoting rational drug use in the clinic.