The stable carbon isotope compositions in surface soil organic matter (δ^13Corg) are medley information mainly from the standing terrestrial plants. In order to obtain the valuable vegetation information from δ^13Corg in terrestrial sediment, it is necessary to investigate the relationship between δ^13Corg value in modern surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation. In this paper a primary survey on the δ^13Corg composition in modern surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation in the Tarim Basin is presented, and compared the δ^13Corg discrepancy between modern surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation among different regions. The results showed that the δ^13Corg values of plant in Tamarix L. populations are positively correlated with that of surface soil in the Tarim Basin, indicating that the interfering factors of microorganism and hydrophyte could be ignored in the arid regions. The δ^13Corg, values of modern surface soil organic are greater than that of standing vegetation, and the discrepancy of mean δ^13Corg, values between them is about 1.71‰ in the Tarim Basin. The discrepancies of δ^13Corg, values between surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation are different from region to region (2.2‰, 1‰, 0.5‰). It should be considered that the discrepancies of δ^13Corg, values between surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation among different regions could influence the C3/C4 vegetation compositions, when the paleovegetation information from δ^13Corg, in terrestrial sediment is obtained.