细胞极性对细胞命运决定有重要的作用.在本实验中,通过细菌介导RNAi观察par基因在线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)早期胚胎发育中的作用.虽然不同的C.etega埘par基因经过RNA干扰后早期胚胎表型不尽相同,但各个par基因都在维持细胞极性方面发挥作用,特别是对有丝分裂纺锤体位置和分裂时间的调节.
Cell polarity is essential to the cell fate. In this experiment, the phenotype of C. elegans early embryo was observed after RNA interference. All par genes were necessary to the regulation of spindle position and tinting of cell division, and to maintain the cell polarity, although phenotypes of C. elegans embryo varied depending on the types of par genes in RNA interference. Meanwhile, all par genes might cooperate in a network.