采用饱和食盐水漂浮法检查尼木县1 200份山羊粪便样本,剖检48只山羊,调查西藏尼木县山羊球虫感染率、球虫种类及危害。结果显示,西藏尼木县山羊球虫年平均感染率91.16%,1 094例阳性病例中混合感染率达100%;1岁龄以下山羊球虫感染强度最高,1岁羊与其他年龄山羊球虫感染强度相比差异极显著(P〈0.01);经鉴定,感染9种艾美耳球虫(Eimeria),分别为艾丽艾美耳球虫(E.alijevi)7.24%,雅氏艾美耳球虫(E.ninakohlyakimovae)16.74%,家山羊艾美耳球虫(E.hirci)2.49%,阿氏艾美耳球虫(E.arloingi)22.17%,约奇艾美耳球虫(E.jolchijevi)15.84%,柯氏艾美耳球虫(E.christenseni)1.13%,阿普艾美耳球虫(E.aspheronica)1.58%,山羊艾美耳球虫(E.caprina)20.36%,羊艾美耳球虫(E.caprovina)12.44%;剖检发现羊只消瘦,被毛粗乱,小肠黏膜上有淡白色卵圆形结节,成簇分布,十二指肠和空肠点状、带状出血。
1 200 fecal samples from goats were detected with flotation method, 48 goats were slaughtered for investigation on the prevalence, species and hazard of coccidia in goats in Nimu county of Tibet. The result showed that the annual prevalence was 91.16%; 1 094 positive samples infected more than two of Eim- eria species; the coccidian intensity of infection in lambs was the highest, compared with other ages the difference was P〈0.01; 9 Eimeria species were identified as E. hirci (2.49%) ,E. arloingi (22.17%) ,E. jolchijevi(15. 84%) ,E. christenseni(1.13%) ,E. aspheronica(1. 58%) ,E. caprina(20. 36% ) and E. ca- provina (12.44%) ;Postmortem examination showed rough hair, mucous membrane of small intestine with white orbicular-ovate nodules distributed in a cluster,punctiform or bendiformis hemorrhage in duodenum and jejunum.