以汉语中的叠词为实验材料,对重复知盲产生机制的类型标记个体化理论和建构理论进行检验。采用快速系列视觉呈现(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation,简称RSVP)研究范式,在两个实验中让178名被试口头报告RSVP列表中出现的所有汉字(全部报告)或列表中最后两个字(部分报告)。结果发现:(1)在呈现速率为128ms和198ms时,完全重复的汉字在全部报告任务中存在RB效应,在部分报告任务下RB效应消失了,但没有出现RP效应,符合建构理论的假设。(2)在全部报告条件下,不仅重复刺激的正确报告率会降低,而且与重复刺激相关的非重复刺激的正确报告率也会降低。研究表明建构理论比类型标记个体化理论更能解释RB效应的产生机制。
Repetition blindness (RB) refers to the failure of the report of the second repeated word in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) Many researchers tried to explain the phenomenon and put forward several suggestions. Now the type-token individuation theory and the construction theory are under heated debate. This research aimed to examine the effect of repetition blindness in Chinese reduplicated words processing in RSVP. Based on the data in two experiments, the study also differentiated between the type-token individuation theory (Kanwisher, 1987, 1991 ; Kanwisher & Potter, 1990) and the construction theory. 178 college students participated in the study. The stimuli were displayed on an IBM-compatible 486 microcomputer. The experimental software was written by means of Eprime. The stimuli used in the repeated condition comprised six characters with a Chinese reduplicated word (e. g. ~). And the stimuli used in the non-repeated condition were composed of other characters which replaced the second repeated character of reduplicated words. The subjects were to view words presented in the RSVP format at 128 ms per word on the Experimental 1 trials, and at 198 ms per word on the Experimental 2 trials. Their task was to report all of the words or just to report the last two words. The results showed that (1) When presentation rates reached 128ms per word or 198ms per word, RB could occur in processing repeated Chinese characters in the full-report task. In the partial-report task, RB disappeared, but repetition priming (RP) did not occur. (2) In the full-report task, the correct rate of words report decreased, not only in the repeated stimulus lists but also in non-repeated stimulus lists in RSVP. The correct rate of non-repeated words report in the repeated stimulus lists was lower than in the non-repeated stimulus lists. The type-token individuation theory regards the repetition blindness as the failure of perception or encoding of the repeated words. And the construction theory co