According to the data of currents at the surface, middle, and bottom layers ob- served by the moored buoy at beach of 12-meters isobath outside Yangpu Port in July 2006, some characterestics are abtained as follows. The directions of flood and ebb tide are north- northeast influenced by the non-current point. The maxmum velocity of the current observed is no more than 37cm/s. The directions of residual current at surface, middle and bottom layers are almost the same, changing from 18 to 22 degree. The speeds of residual current in surface layer change between 3 and 17cm/s, while that in mid-layer takes second place, and the bottom layer ranks the least. The speeds of the residual current have two periods, both are nearly half month. What is more, the fluctuation of speed well corresponds with the heights of tidal levels. Tide-induced residual current is the main mechanism of the residual current in this area, and both velocity and direction are also affected by the wind.