在光突发交换(OBS)网络的数据信道调度算法的性能分析中,人们多采用一种近似理论模型Erlang B公式。但该模型与OBS的实际情况有很大差距。文章以M/M/k/k模型为基础,对这些算法性能的理论分析作了一些修正,并给出了各类典型算法的理论性能模型。最后,分别对这些算法从理论性能和仿真性能上进行比较.结果表明:各种算法的性能在理论分析和实际仿真上都偏离Erlang B公式的推导结果。
In optical burst switching(OBS) networks,the data-channel scheduling algorithm is one of key issues. Currently,there are many algorithms,and Erlang B formula is usually used to their performance analysis. However, the conditions the model assumed are much more different from ones of OBS networks. Based on the queue model M/M/k/k, the paper revised their theoretic analysis models, and presented the analysis results, respectively. Then. the paper thoroughly compared the algorithms from two aspects, i. e. , the theoretic analysis and the simulation analysis. The analysis results show that Erlang B formula only provide the low bound of the burst lossprobability which can be regarded as a benchmark for the scheduling algorithms, and all of algorithms are biased from the model Erlang B formula.