Six extraction methods, including modiifed CTAB, Trizol, modiifed Trizol, TIANGEN extraction kit, were studied in the RNA extraction from Magnolia sieboldii buds, leaves, mature leaves, flower buds, petals and seeds. Integrity, purity and concentration of total RNA were examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and nucleic acid analyzer. Of these six methods, the method of modiifed Trizol was better for buds isolation, the method of modiifed CTAB was better for lfower buds and petals isolation, Trizol method can be used to extract mature leaves, while the RNA extracted by TIANGEN kit is effective to the leaves and seeds. High quality total RNA obtained by different extraction methods through RT-PCR analysis indicated that the RNA satisifed the standard for gene cloning and other molecular biological experiments.