记述了阔柄跳小蜂属1新种:廖氏阔柄跳小蜂Metaphycus liaoi sp.nov.,并给出了其形态特征图。廖氏阔柄跳小蜂与Mstagnarum很相似,但廖氏阔柄跳小蜂雌虫柄节最宽处在基半部,生殖器明显长于中足胫节,雄虫第1索节短于梗节,柄节长约为宽的3倍;而M.stagnarum雌虫柄节最宽处在端半部,生殖器短于中足胫节,雄虫第1索节明显长于梗节,柄节长约为宽的4倍。研究标本,包括正模,均保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。 正模:♀,北京市海淀区,2007-V-20~23,育自Eriococcus abeliceae,武三安采;副模:12♀♀,8♂♂,同正模。 词源:种名是为纪念已故廖定熹教授,他对中国跳小蜂分类研究做出了重大贡献。
Metaphycus liaoi sp. nov., is reported from China. Photomicrographs are provided to illustrate morphological characters of the species. Metaphycus liaoi sp. nov. is similar to M. stagnarum. In females of Metaphycus liaoi, the maximum width of antennal scape is located in basal half; ovipositor clearly longer than mid tibia. In males of M. liaoi, F1 is clearly shorter than pedicel; antennal scape clearly flattened and expanded, about 3 x as long as broad. The specimens including the holotype are deposited in Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (IZCAS).