【目的】阐明意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus和西伯利亚蝗Gomphocerus sibiricus高温耐受能力及酶活性差异。【方法】以3℃为间隔,将意大利蝗和西伯利亚蝗成虫分别在27~48℃、24~42℃下处理4 h后测定死亡率及POD、SOD和CAT活性值。【结果】27~42℃处理下,意大利蝗存活率显著大于西伯利亚蝗(P〈0.05)。雌性意大利蝗的LT50、LT90分别为48.76℃和50.67℃,雄虫则分别为47.90℃和50.53℃;雌性西伯利亚蝗的LT50、LT90分别为39.21℃和42.10℃,雄虫则分别为36.11℃和41.43℃。随着温度升高,雄性意大利蝗和雌、雄西伯利亚蝗体内POD、SOD、CAT活性先升高后降低,雌性意大利蝗体内POD活性则先降低后升高。27~42℃范围内,西伯利亚蝗体内POD和SOD活性值增幅较大,分别达到54.69%、23.54%;意大利蝗体内则以CAT活性值增幅最大,为27.02%。【结论】两种蝗虫耐高温能力存在差异,意大利蝗具有更强的耐热能力。
[Objectives] To clarify difference in heat tolerance and enzyme activity between Calliptamus italicus and Gomphocerus sibiricus. [Methods] The mortality and POD, SOD, and CAT, enzyme activity of C. italicus and G. sibiricus were measured by placing adults in a climate cabinet and subjecting them to 3 ℃temperature increments for 4 h. The temperature ranges to which insects were exposed were 27-48 for ℃ C. italicus and 24-42 for ℃ G. sibiricus. [Results] The mortalities of C. italicus and G. sibiricus were significantly different(P0.05). The LT50 and LT90 of C. italicus were 48.76℃and 50.67℃, respectively, for females, and 47.90℃ and 50.53℃ for males. The LT50 and LT90 of G. sibiricus were 39.21℃ and 42.10℃, respectively, for females, and 36.11℃ and 41.43℃ for males. POD, SOD, and CAT, activities of C. italicus and G. sibiricus males first increased, then decreased, whereas the POD activity of C. italicus females first decreased, then increased, with temperature. Within the temperature range of 27 to 42℃ ℃, POD and SOD activity rapidly rose to 54.69% and 23.54%, respectively, in G. sibiricus. CAT activity rose to 27.02% in C. italicus. [Conclusion] C. italicus is more heat tolerant than G. sibiricus.