由于电池系统具有非线性和迟滞性等特点, 电池模型的准确性和实用性难以兼顾. 针对此问题, 建立 和验证了基于灰色控制理论的锂离子电池灰色模型. 应用该模型研究了相关的电池充电技术, 并提出了基于灰 色模型的充电终止判断技术以消除电池系统迟滞性带来的影响,以及采用灰色 PID控制技术跟踪充电曲线以 减轻电池系统非线性带来的控制精度不高的问题.实验结果表明, 相对于传统 PID控制, 灰色 PID跟踪充电曲 线具有更高精度.
It's difficult to balance the accuracy an d practicality of a battery model because of the nonlinearity and hysteresis of a battery. To solve this problem, a grey model for lithium-ion battery based on grey system theory was established, and validated. Applied for lithium-ion battery fast charging technology research, the charging termination determination technology based on grey model was proposed to eliminate the negative impact of hysteresis, and the grey PID control technology was used to lighten the effect of nonlinearity when tracking the charging profile. Experimental results show that the grey PID control technology has higher precision compared with the conventional PID control technology.