波浪与建筑物的相互作用过程会涉及到波浪破碎、水气掺混和结构物的动力响应等复杂过程,对数值算法提出了更高要求。文章基于紧致插值曲线CIP(Constrained Interpolation Profile)方法建立了可模拟波浪破碎、翻滚等自由面大变形流动问题的数学模型。模型以CIP方法为流场基本求解器,离散了纳维—斯托克斯(NavierStokes:N-S)方程,同时还以CIP方法捕捉了自由面,通过多相流理论描述了流—固—气之间的相互作用。对强非线性自由表面流动问题的典型算例溃坝问题开展了数值模拟,并通过与他人实验结果的比较验证了模型的有效性。最后开展了极端波浪对浮式结构冲击过程的模拟,准确地预测了甲板上浪和结构的动力响应等问题。
When interactions between water waves and offshore structures are dealt with,several big challenges have to be faced:distorted free surface,large-amplitude body motions and violent multiphase interactions.A numerical model is developed by using a Constrained Interpolation Profile(CIP)-based method,which is applicable of simulating free surface flow including wave breaking and overturing.The numerical simulation is performed through a CIP-based model with the CIP method adopted both as the base flow solver and the free surface capturing method.The numerical model is applied to a number of distorted free surface flow problems including dam breaking,dam breaking with an obstacle and extreme wave's impact on an offshore structure.The computational results are consistent with those obtained in other studies.