Traffic sign detection is a key technology in driving assistance systems. The effective detection for prohibitive signs is crucial to erasure the driver safety and reduce the traffic accidence. In this paper, we propose an adaptive detection method for prohibitive signs based on the radial symmetry transform. A traffic image is segmented based on RGB normalized threshold algorithm and a binary image is genera ted. Then a regional contour feature vector is constructed and used to determine and extract every candi- date sign region. For the region with possible mutually occluding signs, an adaptive separation algorithm based on the watershed transform is presented to perform signs separation. For each abstracted candidate sign region, the key parameters in the radial symmetry transform are set adaptively according to the scale feature of the region,and an adaptive radial symmetry circular detector and corresponding detection ap- proach are constructed and used to detect the prohibitive signs and reject the non-sign regions. The per- {ormance of the proposed method is tested on the German traffic sign detection benchmark (GTSDB). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our method outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of execution efficiency, detection rate and algorithm complexity, and ours has the ro- bustness to the obiect scale variation,variable lighting condition and weather,motion blurring and mutual occlusion of signs, etc.