指出了杀婴行为是成年个体咬杀同种群中幼仔或胎儿致使其快速死亡的一种行为,在杀婴行为产生的同时,往往也会伴随产生食仔行为。通过对生产期中缅树鼩(Tupaia belangeri)的观察,发现中缅树鼩产仔后产生了杀婴行为和食仔行为。中缅树鼩作为东洋界特有的小型哺乳动物以及新型实验动物模型,对其杀婴食仔行为产生的原因及其意义进行了探讨分析,以期能够为提高其繁殖适合度以及作为实验动物的规模化驯化饲养奠定基础。
Infanticide refers toan adult individual bite pups or fetus in the same populationcaused its rapid death. Atthe same time, the act of infanticide is going to accompany by cannibalistic behavior. Based on the study about partu- rition tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) ,it was found that the tree shrews produced the infestation behavior and the veg- etarian behavior. Assmall mammals and new oriental endemic animal model, it is significant to improve the reproduc- tive fitness as well as experimental animals for large-scale domestication.