Through analysis of the samples from Yangling Reach of Weihe River by microscope, diatoms community and ecological form were es- timated. The investigation showed that there were 44 species belonging to 2 classes ,6 orders ,9 families ,20 genera ,27 species, 14 varieties and 2 forms in Yangliug Reach. Synedra tabulata (Ag) Kuetz, Cyclotella meneghiniana Kuetz, Gomphonema parvulum vat. lagenula( Kuetz ) Frenguelli and G. parvulum var. subellipticum Cleve were the dominant phylum. The plentiful species, G. parvulum var. lagenula was dominant in the phyto- plankton community. Phytoplankton biomass was high,diversity status was not good.