This paper focuses on sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions from Fule lead-zinc deposit and outskirts in Luoping County; liquid-vapors fluid inclusions are the main types for the microscopic observation. Ore-forming fluid is mixed with little oil-field water, and is beating Na+-Mg2+-SO42-Cl- fluids. The homogenization temperature is mainly in the ranges of 120-160 ℃ and 180-210 ℃; the salinity has two peaks at low salinity( 4%-10% NaCleq ) and high salinity( 16%-22% NaCleq). Those results reflect that mining area has a mixture of medium- and low-temperature fluid. Combining the characteristic of the ore-body and fabric of minerals, two types of the ore-forming fluids are forming rich ore-body by mixture action. Results provide new geochemical evidence for understanding lead-zinc mineralization in the area.