This article has used MODIS vegetation index product to study the vegetation change of the Chuanjiang Valley from 2000 to 2005. In the ehosen field, we have taken a abroad comparative analysis to NDVI and EVI, these two vegetation indiees have obvious difference in description of high density vegetation in the moist environment: the seasonal change of NDVI is unconspieuous, the curve of whole year is high and smooth . EVI showing bell-shaped eurve, has seasonal ehange and affinity with the monthly average . Through analysis of EVI produet, we think, that the vegetation of the Chuanjiang Valley has a better recovery, especially nearby the Minjiang Valley and Hubei Provinee . The most obvious ehange is the higher vegetation area (0.6-0.8) and the proportion has inereased from 3.26% to 13.96%. So the vegetation has obviously inereased.