魔幻态(magic state)是一种单量子比特量子态,在容错量子计算中可以辅助Clifford操作在任意量子态上横向实现一个non-Clifford门,使得容错量子计算具有通用性。除此之外,魔幻态制备中的噪音可以通过Clifford操作纯化过滤,这个过程称为魔幻态纯化。具体来讲,魔幻态纯化指的是,当输入噪音量子态相对于魔幻态的保真度大于一个给定的纯化阈值,可通过Clifford操作从多份噪音量子态中提取出一份保真度被提高的量子态,通过多次重复纯化程序,最终可获得保真度接近于1的魔幻态。本文将研究T型魔幻态纯化程序的重复次数与输入的噪音量子态保真度之间的关系。
Magic state is quantum state of a qubit,augmented by which the set of operators from the Clifford group gives the possibility of simulating universal quantum computation.However,one cannot expect to perfectly prepare a magic state in an experiment.But it has been shown that,by repeatedly applying operations from the Clifford group and measurements in the Pauli basis,a nearly pure magic state can be distilled from several copies of noisy ancilla if the fidelity of the input ancilla with respect to the magic state is higher than a threshold value.In this article,we numerically investigated the evolution of quantum states under magic state distillation and focused on the speed of the convergence of the quantum state to magic state.