随着农村经济、社会、文化等社会形态的转变,农村聚落、居民、农业等空间景观出现了资本化、多元化的倾向,空间多元化作为未来农村发展的一大趋势,已成为学术界研究和关注的新热点。本文借助Cite SpaceⅢ文献分析方法,从研究热点识别及热点推移两大方面厘清国内外农村空间多元化的研究动向,把握最新研究进展。总体而言,国外农村空间多元化经历了由农业生产导向向消费导向的逐步推移,研究热点不断变换,研究内容相对成熟。而对处于城市化加速阶段的中国来说,农村空间多元化的关注时间较短,研究内容仍限于农业生产和农村治理方面,消费导向的研究力量甚为薄弱。最后,本文提出了国内外既有研究存在的问题,并指出农村空间资本化、多元化功能的多维度考量以及与城市元素的互动、中国农村空间多元化模式及类型识别等,应成为未来农村空间多元化重点关注的研究方向。
With the transformation of rural economy, society, and culture and other social aspects, capitalization and diversification of rural space including settlements, population, and agriculture have become apparent, there- fore diversification of rural space has become a new focus in academic research. This article examined the research trends of rural space diversification using hotspot identification and change by CiteSpace Ⅲ. In general, hotspots of international research on rural space diversification have been changing from agricultural production- oriented to consumer-oriented, and the research content is relatively mature, while in China, in a stage of rapid urbanization, research on rural space diversification has been of a relatively short history. The current research still concentrates on agricultural production and rural governance, and consumer-oriented research is in its infancy. In the future, important research areas in China should include multidimensional considerations of capitalization and diversification of rural space, their interaction with urban elements, and rural space diversification models and their identification.