Different length of line impedances will lead high-frequency stability due to the fast response of the inner loops and the interactions among paralleled inverters. Middlebrook impedance analysis method was considered as an efficient method to analyze the high-frequency stability, but it has the disadvantages of complex analysis procedure and serious conservation. Therefore, Thevenin model of N-paralleled inverters was built by deducing the relation of its output voltage and current. A high efficient impedance analysis method is proposed in this paper. High-frequency stability can be analyzed by using the proposed method which takes the smallest inverter line impedance in the node as the worst case all over the system. And then the Nyqnist plots of the worst case is analyzed. Efficient analysis procedure, less judgments and weak conservation are maintained in proposed method compared to Middlebrook impedance analysis method. The feasibility of the proposed method and the effects of impedance on high-frequency stability are verified by the analysis and simulations.