Reconnection electromagnetic launch is a kind of electromagnetic launch that utilizes electromagnetic energy to a projectile. The key point of a multi-stage launch is the sequential energy releasing at various stages, which demands the right and reliable action of the closing switches. Triggered vacuum switches (TVS) are used as closing switches in the study. A three-electrode-gap is used in the high voltage trigger pulse generating circuit to acquire a steepened high voltage trigger pulse, so as to ensure that the accuracy of delay time of TVS switching to outer control signal is controlled within ltts. HFBR-0400 series of fiber optic transmitters and receivers are used in the trigger signal generating circuit to improve the ability to inhibit interference. Mis-triggering because of mutual interferences among stages is solved in the experiments of multi-stage launch. Fiber optics are used between transmitters and receivers to insolate the low voltage control unit from the high voltage triggering units.