目的评价采用气相合成法制备的纳米炭对羟基喜树碱的吸附和释放效果。方法将羟基喜树碱与纳米炭制备成混悬液(HCPT—CN),采用透析法,紫外分光光度计检测HCPT—CN达平衡时透析液中游离HCPT的浓度,计算出该混悬液的释药率、吸附率和栽药量并与HCPT溶液对照。结果HCPT溶液、HCPT—CN混悬液体外释药34h达最高值,释药率分别为97.6%、60.0%;该混悬液对3.108mg HCPT的吸附率为40%,吸附量为0.01656mg/mg。结论采用气相合成法制备的纳米炭对HCPT具有一定的吸附和缓释作用,但尚需进一步改进。
[Objective] To evaluate the adsorption and release effect of hydroxycamptothecin bound to the synthesis carbon nanoparticles in gaseous phase. [Methods] The suspension was made from hydroxycamptothecin and the carbon nanoparticles, The dialysis method was used for the detection. While the HCPT-NC was releasing in dialysate, the desorbed concentration of HCPT was measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry at different time points, The drug releasing rate, adsorption rate and the adsorptive capacity were computed respectively and compared with HCPT aqueous solution. [Results] After dialysis 34 hours, the drug releasing reached balance in the HCPT-NC suspension and HCPT aqueous solution, the release rate of HCPT-CN was 60% and HCPT was 97.6%; the adsorption rate of HCPT in the HCPT-CN suspension was 40%, the adsorptive capacity was 0.01656 mg/mg for 3.108mg HCPT. [Conculsion] The synthesis carbon nanoparticles have got adsorption and slow release for HCPT, but further improvement is also expected.