In this paper, the comparison between the TIMED observed global temperature distribution and the temperature calculated by the NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model is made. The comparison indicates that in the altitude region between 20-70km, the global temperature structure calculated by the NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model is consistent with the satellite observation. However, the comparison shows that in the mesopause region, there is obvious difference between the NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model and the satellite observation. In the vernal equinox season, there is a stable Mesospheric temperature Inversion Layer (MIL) in the lower latitude (20°S-20°N) mesopause region in the satellite observed global temperature data. But the NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model can't produce this feature. The satellite observation indicates that there are two distinctive levels worldwide of the mesopause altitude. One is at about 100 km, another is at about 85 km. This characteristic can't be exhibited by the NRLMSISE- 00 empirical atmospheric model. On the other hand, there is large difference of the temperature distribution between the empirical atmospheric model and the satellite observation in the lower thermosphere.