In China, Cultivated Land Productivity Evaluation (CLPE) is carrying out cou on various scales, e.g. country, province, municipality, city and county, with the ((Technical Productivity Survey and Quality Assessment of Cultivated Lands)) (TRPSQACL) as guidance. to minimize negative effects of the modeling based on the subjective evaluation index is done in this paper on analytic logic of CLPE, so as to build up a "thought bridge" knowledge to the physical model of cultivated land productivity. CLPE is just a kind evaluation logic for b is the cate ( LCC ) Map at 1 ntry-wide Rules for In order system, discussion linking professional of land productivity ( LPE ) and the prevailing LPE methods could be used as reference in forming scientific analytic uilding a CLPE index system. LPE methods can roughly be sorted into 3 categories. The first one gory of qualitative classification and grading, such as Land Capability Classification of America Soil Fertility Capability Classification of America ( FCC ) , Chinese Land Resource Evaluation 100, 000 scale. This category of methods is used to classify and grade land resources according to the type and system. The se Soil Quality extent of obstacles in land use on cond is one of quantitative scoring Rating of Germany all spatial methods, scales, but it does not have a consi such as Storie Index Soil Rating of SQR) , etc., characterized by expl stent index America, icit index systems and scoring rules, to evaluation on small scales for the classification with scoring, such as MOSS and Agricultural Land Quality evaluated into several agricultural cally, and then calculating potential zones, for which appropriate evaluation indices are selected zone-specifi of an as hototemper d modifying the second ature or climate co the score with soil step. So they are ntributing to land productivity on the large spatial scale as the first step, conditions and site-specific environmental conditions on the small scales applicable to evaluation on all sp