YU Yang, female, born in 1978, received her Ph.D. degree in information security form Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She is a lecturer in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her current research interests include copyright pro- tection technology and information security. MIN Lei, male, born in January 1979, received his Ph.D. degree in information security from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He received a M.S. degree in software engineering and theory in 2002 from 8UPT and a 8Eng degree in computer science in 1999 from Nanchang University. He is the co-author of over 20 scientific international SCI-indexed or EI-indexed papers and has published two textbooks and completed several projects in provincial or ministry levels. CHENG Mingzhi(1974-), male, Hu Bei, Xiang Ning. He is a lecturer in Beijing Institute of Graphic Com- munication, doctor degree. His current research interests include packaging anti-counterfeiting and Digital Content Security.