This article constructed a dynamic equilibrium model that was incorporated the biased technical change shocks and standard productivity shocks and included the formation of consumption habit, while it based on which model to analyze the business cycles in China 1979 -2009. It showed that model was much consistent to the facts of China' s real business. After comparative analyzing, this model would explain better China' s macroeconomic fluctuations than the RBC model that does not include labor,than the RBC model that includes dividable labor and than the RBC model that includes dividable labor and habit formation, which implies that the introduction of habit formation, biased technical change and standard productivity shocks into the model greatly improves simulation results. Unlikely with that the standard productivity shocks had the positive wealth affections ,the biased technical change shocks had the weal affections. The industrialization strategy that was pushed in 1979 - 2007 by China government and lowered the labor elastics promoted increasing of people' s consumption and increasing of capital accumulation and GDP output,therefore,this article argued that which strategy is successful.