Influenced by mining dynamic pressure, serious deformation had appeared in the S3-9 return airway of Changeun Coal Mine, water accumulation was also serious there, so that the height of roadway reduced from 3.2 m to 1.2 m. In this paper, the ingredients of rock sam- ples from mudstone roof were analyzed, then the deformation and failure mechanism, slip casting parameters and effects after mining were also analyzed by using UDEC software. After the analy- sis, cement chemical grouting and secondary grouting cable anchors were adopted for comprehen- sive bolt-grouting reinforce, which was then experimented in return airway of S3-9 working face. The results showed that the biggest convergence between roof and floor was 20 mm and the big- gest convergence between roadway's sides was 30 ram, so the deformation of roadway was con- trolled effectively.