The effects of different microelement (Cr, Mn, Ti, Zr, Cu) contents on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion properties of Al-Zn-Mg aluminium alloys were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, tensile test, impact properties test, stress corrosion and polarization curve measurement. The results show that a little more microelement added to the Al-Zn-Mg aluminium alloys effectively delays the mergence and growth of the sub-grain during the recovery process, inhibits the recrystallization capability of A1 matrix, and significantly enhances the mechanical properties and resistance to stress corrosion increasing the tensile strength by 69MPa and postpones the moment of stress corrosion cracking for 108 h. However, the present of more trace elements makes wider distribution of the slightly larger size AlFeMnCu phase generate inside the alloy, makes the matrix as the anode form a microcell, and the surface pitting, plasticity, toughness and corrosion resistance decrease.