The Luzong orefield in the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt is an important area that possesses a series of porphyritic iron deposits and porphyry copper deposits. The Donggushan tungsten_molybdenum polymetallic deposit was recently discovered in the north of the Luzong orefield. This is the first discovery of tungsten mineralization north of the Yangtze River along the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt. The dominant disseminated tungsten mineralization occurs along the contract zone between biotite granite and Ordovician dolomite limestone or marble. The main tungsten mineral is scheelite that occurs in metamorphosed dolomitic limestone together with Mo_Cu_Pb_Zn minerals and skarn minerals. Tungsten mineralization mainly occurs in southern China; several new large_sized tungsten ore deposits have been found in the Yangtze block in recent years, e. g.,in the Jiangnan uplift belt in the south of the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt. There are reports of tungsten deposits in the E'dongnan and Tongling orefields, but tungsten deposits was not previously found north of the Yangtze River. The discovery of the Donggushan tungsten deposit indicates that the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt hosts significant tungsten deposits as well as iron and copper deposits of Yans-hanian age. It also highlights the potential of the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt for hosting additional tungsten deposits, and justifies a greater emphasis on tungsten mineralization in both metallogenic studies and minerals exploration in other mineralized areas in the Middle_Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt.