To study desilication mechanism of bauxite bioleaching, the interaction were compared between the silicate bacterium JY03 and bauxite under the microbe-mineral contact/noncontact modes, and the effects of biofilm and passivation coating forming on the bauxite surface in bioleaching system were investigated. The re- sults show that.in initial step of bioleaching(0-6d), the bauxite surface were not coated by bio{ilm and passiva- tion coating, and the dissolution approach of A1 and Si was mainly under indirect contact mode; 6-12d, as the biofilm formed gradually on the bauxite surface, the dissolution rate of Si was mainly under contact mode, sig- nificantly higher than indirect contact mode; after a 12d leaching, the concentration of SiO2 in the leaching solu- tion of contact model was about 17mg/L higher than that in the indirect contact mode;; in 8-12d, as Al2O3 sedi- ment was forming, A1 dissolution rate slows significantly in contact system, and decreased in indirect-contact system; after 12d-leaching, when a passive film was formed on the bauxite surface by flocculation and sedimen tation of Al2O3, the A12 03 concentration in the leaching solution was decreased significantly, and SiO2 concen- tration reaches a maximum and stabilized. It is concluded that Si, A1 dissolution can be promoted by biofilm and inhibited by AlcOa passivation coating.